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Some quotes

„A gifted singer.“

– Downbeat

„Tolstoy zeigt zusammen mit ihren Musikern: Orchester-Vollbesetzung und Hollywood-Bombast sind für die Klassiker nicht nötig. Die kleine, fast sparsame Besetzung bringt Tolstoys klare Stimme und lebendige, jazzige Interpretation zum Leuchten, setzt die Musiker in einzelnen Passagen großartig in Szene und überzeugt mit einem feinen Klanguniversum. Sehr gelungen!“
Tolstoy and her musicians show: a full Hollywood orchestra isn’t necessary for those classics. The small lineup makes Tolstoy’s clear voice and her lively, jazzy interpretations glow, sets great focus on the individual musicians and convinces with a fine universe of sounds. Very well-made!”


„Man beginnt, die Musik der Melodien pur wahrzunehmen. Was an den einfachen, aufs Wesentliche reduzierten Arrangements liegt, an der exquisiten Band, der glasklaren Produktion von Nils Landgren. Aber vor allem an der einzigartigen, warmen Stimme Viktoria Tolstoys!“
„One begins to percieve the music of those melodies purely. Which is because of the simple, reduced arrangements, because of the exquisite band, the glass-clear production by Nils Landgren. But first and foremost because of the unique, warm voice of Viktoria Tolstoy.”

– MDR Figaro

„An emotional movie-trip.“
„Ein emotionaler Kinotrip“

– Radio Bremen

„In einem intimen Trio singt Tolstoy Songs, die dadurch in einem ganz anderen Licht erscheinen.“
„In an intimate trio setting, Tolstoy sings songs in a way that makes they appear in a totally different light.

– Jazz thing

“Samtener Vokaljazz mit Überraschungen”
“Velvet vocal jazz with surprises.”

– Kulturnews

“Viktoria Tolstoy interpretiert Filmmelodien neu und verleiht ihnen eigene, bitterzarte Noten.“
„Viktoria Tolstoy newly interprets movie melodies and gives them an own, bitter-sweet touch.

– Petra

„Jedem einzelnen Stück verleiht Tolstoy mit dem typischen, bitterzarten Schmelz einen eigenen Charakter. Es ist ein Vergnügen, sich von ihr ins Kino begleiten zu lassen.“
„With her typical, bittersweet glaze, Tolstoy gives every single piece new charakter. It is a delight, having her accompany you to the movies.”

– Rhein Main Magazin

„Mit- und hinreißende Songs aus großen Filmen.“
„Trilling and gorgeous great movie songs.“

– rtv

„Nordische Liebe zum Kino.“
„A nordic love for cinema.


Viktoria Tolstoy BIOGRAPHY


Viktoria Tolstoy is one rare bird in the music industry.

She is a totally natural talent, someone who just gets it all in an instant.
No explaining has to be done when learning a new song, no corrections has to be made when recording.
Viktoria is simply an extraordinary talented woman with an almost scary instinct for different styles and modes. No matter what she takes on, she nails it right away.
And, she delivers every time and, how she does it!
On top of that, she is someone to hang with and to have fun with, on and off stage which is a very important aspect in the way of getting along with an artist.
Her laugh is famous as well as her sense of humor. Often with a twist but always positive. Her smile melts glaciers and her appearance does never go unnoticed.
Or, with lesser words: Vikoria is a complete artist.

Nils Landgrenproducer and fellow artist


– Numerous tours in Sweden, Europe and Worldwide.
– Frequently requested for Television and Radio appearances. – Due to her fortunate looks highly engaged for photoshoots. – Participating at many and more special occasions, such as ”The Polar Prize Awards”, The opening ceremonies at ”The World Championships of Track & Field”.
– Has also been on the big screen, for instance acting as herself in one successful Swedish movie production.


– Swedish Jazz greats such as Svante Thuresson, Putte Wickman, Arne Domnerus, Ulf Wakenius, Jojje Wadenius, Esbjörn Svensson, Nils Landgren etc.
– International stars such as McCoy Tyner, Ray Brown, Toots Thielemans etc.

INTERNATIONAL TOURS – Viktoria has been engaged for concerts and tours in countries such as Japan, Malaysia, United Kingdom, Scandinavia, Germany, Switzerland, South Africa, Italy, Spain, Mexico to mention a few.


Yes, Viktorias great great grandfather was Leo Tolstoj, the russian author.